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<br> Tag In HTML:

The <br> tag in HTML is a line break element. It is a self-closing tag. When the browser encounters a <br> tag, it inserts a line break, effectively starting a new line of text.


In the example above, the <br> tag is used within a paragraph (<p>) element to create a line break between the two lines of text. When rendered in a browser, it would appear as:


You can also use multiple <br> tags consecutively to insert multiple line breaks:

In the example above, three <br> tags are used to create multiple line breaks between the two lines of text, resulting in larger vertical spacing:

It's important to note that using excessive line breaks with <br> tags for spacing purposes is generally discouraged. HTML provides other elements and CSS properties for controlling layout and spacing, such as margins and padding, which are generally more appropriate for styling and formatting web content.