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HTML Quotation:

In HTML, you can use the `<blockquote>` element to indicate that a section of text is a quotation from another source. Here's how you can use it:


By default, the browser will typically style the text inside the `<blockquote>` element with indentation and possibly a different font style to differentiate it from the rest of the content.

If you want to attribute the quotation to a specific source or author, you can use the `<cite>` element within the `<blockquote>` element:

Remember that HTML provides the structure for displaying quotations, but the actual styling (such as fonts, colors, and spacing) can be controlled using CSS.


Additionally, you can also use the `<q>` element to mark inline quotations, which typically appear within a paragraph. The browser will typically add quotation marks around the text enclosed within the `<q>` element:

These HTML elements can help you structure and style quotations in your web content.