HTML Colors:
In HTML and CSS, colors can be specified using a variety of methods, including color names, hexadecimal color codes, RGB values, and HSL values. Here's an overview of each method:
1. Color Names:
HTML and CSS have
predefined color names that you can use to specify colors. For example:
Common color names
include `red`, `green`, `blue`, `yellow`, `black`, `white`, and many more.
2. Hexadecimal Color Codes:
Hexadecimal color
codes are represented by a `#` followed by a six-character combination of
numbers and letters. Each pair of characters represents the intensity of red,
green, and blue (RGB) in the color.
In this example, `#FF0000` represents pure red.
3. RGB Values:
RGB (Red, Green,
Blue) values allow you to specify a color by defining the amount of red, green,
and blue in it. You can use `rgb()` or `rgba()` to specify colors using RGB
values. For example:
This also
represents pure red. The `rgba()` function allows you to specify an alpha value
for transparency.